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BEST Proposed Plan for Implementing the ISTE Standards for Massachusetts Teachers and Administrators


September 2003 to August 2004


                        Visits by legislators to exemplary classrooms

                        Continued conversations by BEST with legislators

Meetings with BOE, Chair of BOE, Commissioner

Determine if legislation is a viable option; if yes, prepare language


BOE to change certification standards for all teachers and administrators by 2007, to include ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards to ensure that those in training  and in- service understand how to use technology not just as an administrative/productivity tool, but also as a learning tool


Public/private partnerships to support required professional development are identified to create incentives for schools and teachers (look to Maine laptop project for models)


Business to explain the economic need for technology training for current and prospective educators


ETAC recommends: For re-certification of teachers, technology training is integrated into content instruction. Criteria for quality professional development providers established


Pilot training begins in July 2004; train the trainer project as well


September 2004 to August 2005


Include the ISTE standards for teachers in the Induction and Mentoring Guidelines for new teachers, to build capacity in each district to support technology use in learning


Conversations started among business, K-12, higher education to determine how to involve higher education in providing the right kind of preparation


Convene a meeting of leaders from K to 20 to determine how best to integrate the ISTE standards into training and certification for new teachers and recertification for existing teachers over the next three years




September 2004 to August 2005 (cont.)


Schools identify best practices and work with faculty to design and offer professional development internally


Training of first cohort begins in July 2005; support given to the trainers


September 2005 to August 2006 and


September 2006 to August 2007


Conversations continue among business, K-12, higher education to determine how to involve higher education in providing the right kind of preparation


Continue meetings of leaders from K to 20 to determine how best to integrate the ISTE standards into training and certification for new teachers and re-certification for existing teachers over the next five years


Schools identify best practices and work with faculty to design and offer professional development internally


Training of second cohort begins in July 2005; support given to the trainers


Training of third cohort begins in July 2006; support given to the trainers


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