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Here are some handy links to national educational technology organizations, where you will find the latest news, standards, and research.


COSN (The Consorium for School Networking) is a ten-year-old national organization that promotes the use of information technologies and the Internet to ensure technology has a positive effect on learning by focusing on leadership development, coalition building, advocacy and emerging technologies. Their site contains many resources for technology leaders in schools.


ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) is a national non-profit professional organization for educational technology leaders. Its site offers many resources, including the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS).

Milken Family Foundation

The Milken Family Foundation conducts research about the effective use of technology in schools. Its site posts reports about their latest projects.

CEO Forum

CEO Forum is a national organization of corporations and educational associations that asses the nation's progress toward integrating the used of technology in schools, with the goal that our schools shall effectively prepare all students to be contributing citizens and productive workers in the 21st century.


NetDay provides a link between businesses and non-profits that have expertise and resources and the schools that can use their help.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides grants to transform schools, and supports research and evaluation, professional development, and scholarships.

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